BIOKARPOS is a family business founded in 2006 and is located on Maladreni Argolis, Northern Peloponnese, in the heart of a wider area, which is famous for its rich history, fertile soils and excellent climate.
The roots of the company begin from the great-grandfather of the family, Michael Mavrogiannis, who transformed the family farm with passion and love to an organic farming unit, covering an area of over 1000 acres at the moment.
The family of BIOKARPOS, with absolute faith in the value of contribution and love towards the environment, the people and the animals that support our ecosustem, continues the heritage of its ancestors and evolves constantly.
Nowadays, the company is one of the most renowed suppliers of organic products in Greece, with an impressive activity] abroad which is constantly evolving, a circumstance that makes us very proud.
Besides grocery, in 2013 our company expanded the range of its products, with the addition of greek organic products of processed goods (dry bulk) as well as imported products from renowed companies abroad, following faithfully the applicable requirements.
It is important to mention that now BIOKARPOS, with the exploitation of its experience, has made a dynamic enter into the market by creating excellent quality private label products with the brands “EuBio” and “Amelxi”.
The company, setting as a major priority the valid and quality service of its customers, has invested in its complete verticalisation and the creation of a proprietary load of refrigerated trucks, conducting deliveries daily in the mainland and the islands of Greece of a full range of excellent quality organic products.